Beach Pro TourHodges & Schubert break into world’s top 10Melissa & Brandie jump 23 spots up the World RankingLeggi di più
Beach Pro TourHodges & Schubert bring Jurmala fairy tale to happy endGeorge & Andre take silver, Renato & Vitor Felipe claim bronzeLeggi di più
Beach Pro TourMelissa wins Jurmala again, this time with BrandieSwitzerland’s Esmee & Zoe and Latvia’s Tina & Anastasija complete the women’s podiumLeggi di più
Beach Pro TourHodges & Schubert: from qualifiers to semifinalsThree Brazilian pairs complete the final four in JurmalaLeggi di più
Beach Pro TourHome favourites Tina & Anastasija power through to Jurmala semisThe Latvians to take on Melissa & Brandie; Taina & Victoria up against Esmee & Zoe in the other semifinalLeggi di più
Mol & Sorum e Nuss & Klothget sono le coppie vincitrici delle Beach Pro Tour Finals 20242024-12-07 19:46
Beach Pro TourBeach Pro Tour Finals di Doha 2024: programma, orari e dove vedere le coppie italiane in gara2024-12-03 16:05