Boys' U19 World Championship 2023 - News.

Slovenia (SLO) vs. France (FRA) - Pool B #6244719

Joris Seddik smiles after his team reached the final

This afternoon, France delivered a volleyball masterclass during the semi-final of the 2023 FIVB Boys' U19 World Championship against the United States, securing their spot in the tournament final for the first time in their history. A pivotal contributor to their victory was Joris Seddik, who amassed 9 points for his team.

The European team showcased their prowess in serving and blocking, dominating the match from start to finish. Joris Seddik, the middle blocker responsible for 7 of the 15 blocking points earned by the French team, shared his thoughts after the game:

"Credo che siamo stati molto bravi a servire e bloccare. Personalmente, mi sono sentito molto a mio agio con questo aspetto del nostro gioco. Inoltre, credo che siamo stati la squadra che ha avuto più voglia di raggiungere la finale".

Seddik, who regards Maxwell Holt and Nicholas Le Goff as his role models and plays from Montpellier in the French League, has accumulated an impressive 51 points in the tournament along with a total of 20 successful stuff blocks.

USA (USA) vs. France (FRA) - Semifinals #6383362

Seddik scored 7 stuff blocks in the semifinal match vs USA

Nonostante le prestazioni stellari della sua squadra, tra cui un'impressionante striscia di 7 vittorie consecutive, Seddik ha ammesso di non aver immaginato di raggiungere la finale prima dell'inizio del torneo: "Quando siamo venuti in Argentina, sapevo che avremmo ottenuto buoni risultati, ma non pensavo che saremmo arrivati in finale. È incredibile".

La Francia, che partecipa al suo 14° Campionato del Mondo U19, in precedenza era riuscita a conquistare un podio solo a Messico 2007, dove aveva ottenuto la medaglia di bronzo. La loro ultima apparizione in semifinale risale al 2011, sempre in Argentina. Questa volta, però, si è aggiudicata la vittoria, segnando una tappa storica.

USA (USA) vs. France (FRA) - Semifinals #6383399

France celebrates going to their first final

Anticipation builds for the highly awaited gold medal match, and Joris shared his expectations: "We're going to play against a good team. I'm sure it will be a good final and a tough fight, but I think we can win if we have the same determination as today."

According to Seddik, the team's immense strength stems not solely from their gameplay but also from their approach towards the challenge that lies ahead: "We have a good team with good players. During the tournament, we were very focused on the goal. Now we have to focus on the last game."

Joris and his French team are scheduled to compete in the final this Friday at 11pm GMT, with their sights set on clinching their first gold medal.