Triumphant Iranian captain Seyed Mousavi (source:

Triumphant Iranian captain Seyed Mousavi (source:

Just a few days before the start of the men’s FIVB Road to Paris Volleyball Qualifiers, Iran topped the prestigious men’s volleyball podium at the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 for the third time in a row. Two teams hosting qualification pools from September 30 through October 8, China and Japan, completed the podium with silver and bronze, respectively.

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Nella finale di martedì in Cina, l'Iran ha ottenuto una vittoria per 3-1 (19-25, 25-14, 25-22, 26-24) sulla squadra di casa per rimanere imbattuto in tutto il torneo e difendere i due titoli precedenti del 2014 e del 2018. Gli iraniani hanno anche tre argenti e un bronzo nella loro bacheca dei Giochi asiatici.

Il battitore esterno Shahrooz Homayonfarmanesh ha guidato la squadra con 17 punti, tra cui quattro ace. Il suo compagno di squadra Amirhossein Esfandiar e l'opposto Saber Kazemi hanno aggiunto 14 punti a testa per la vittoria finale.

"I giocatori hanno lavorato duramente per questa competizione. Ogni torneo è importante per noi e grazie a Dio siamo riusciti a finire questo con una medaglia d'oro", ha detto Esfandiar. "Ora possiamo recarci in Brasile per le qualificazioni olimpiche con uno spirito elevato. Speriamo di riuscire a fare il nostro lavoro e di qualificarci per Parigi 2024. Stiamo andando con tutte le nostre forze e cerchiamo il miglior risultato possibile".

Iran will fight for one of the two tickets to next year’s Games in qualification Pool C to be played in Rio de Janeiro. The Asian Games champions will be in round-robin competition with Brazil, Cuba, Czechia, Germany, Italy, Qatar and Ukraine.

Asian Games hosts China cruised to the gold medal match unbeaten, but eventually had to settle for silver, their fourth in the history of the competition within a total medal count of nine, including three titles and two bronze medals. Their outside Zhang Jingyin delivered a match-high 19 points in the final, including three blocks and two aces. Opposite Jiang Chuan added another 13 points.

China will host Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Mexico, the Netherlands and Poland in qualification Pool B to be played in Xi’an.

The men’s volleyball podium at Hangzhou 2022 (source:

The men’s volleyball podium at Hangzhou 2022 (source:

In the third-place match at Hangzhou 2022, Japan managed a 3-1 (37-35, 25-22, 23-25, 25-23) victory over Qatar on a 22-point match high from Yudai Arai. Japan are the most decorated team in the history of the competition. They now have eight gold, two silver and three bronze medals in their collection.

Japan will play host to Pool B of the Road to Paris Qualifiers. They will be joined in Tokyo by the teams of Egypt, Finland, Serbia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Türkiye and United States.